Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Word of God speak...not yell

What in the world are we all yelling about?

Working in ministry has been a HUGE blessing in my life, there is absolutely no doubt about it. But, it has also been a huge curse, or should I say, cross. When I think about working as a high school youth minister, I think about a myriad of things: most importantly sharing the gospel and our Catholic faith, but more obviously, eating LOTS of pizza, laughing until liquid comes out of my nose, crying with the teens, listening, speaking, understanding, praying, trusting, believing, living the gospel, sharing and encouraging passion for our Savior and for our wonderful Catholic church and all of it's rich, meaningful, beautiful Traditions, big and small. These are naturally my thoughts on the ministry. Unfortunately, many things I wouldn't think of are the very things that have surfaced. I have faced many stifling agendas, pushed on by those I would have believed were fundamentally on the same page as me, in being a Roman Catholic. Though not always shown through intonation or volume, I feel like those voices are yelling at me to conform to their views, to their agendas, and to their mission, while at the same time I hear the gentle loving voice of God telling me NOT TO CONFORM, but to continue being TRANSFORMED by the person of Christ.

If everything we believe in the Catholic Church is true, how can anyone every doubt the work of the Holy Spirit among us, in ways that we can NEVER understand, nor were we meant to understand. How can anyone EVER turn their backs on the Church that has been around for so long, that has nurtured so many, and brought the true life of Christ into the hearts of so many? How can anyone, saying they are a Roman Catholic, serving a Roman Catholic community be teaching, or pushing for things against the very Church they serve? These are questions I may never have answers to. But, I can say this: if I were to ever disagree with the Church I am serving, or I were to ever push an agenda that does not best serve the Church, but only myself, I would hope and pray that God would move me out of the way so that a more faithful minister could be put in place. That is, if I am ever "yelling" or pushing my own agenda. Because truly, there is no reason to yell when you are following the light and love of Christ, trusting in His Almighty saving grace to get us through each new challenge/change/uncertainty in our faith, whether we understand it or not.

Of course, until everyone is done yelling, I will continue to pick up my cross daily, trusting, believing and knowing that God is at work, not me. I am but a vessel for His Incredible Spirit to move in and through. I am at this very moment reminded of our Blessed Mother and how she said Yes to God's will being done unto her. How courageous she was knowing the persecution and obstacles she would face. I only hope that I maintain even an ounce of the trust Mary had in God's will for me and the community I serve. Word of God speak to me...even while others are yelling. As Samuel said: "Speak, for your servant is listening." -1 Samuel 3:10


  1. I love you, Eileen...without you, I would SO not be where I am spiritually!!!!!!! I owe you so much :)

  2. You owe me NOTHING! To God be the glory, darlin... It's all for him.
