Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time to chime in!

Okay readers... be sure to leave a comment this post! I want to know from YOU, what YOU would like to see more of on this blog spot! Be honest, be REAL, be genuine, be CHALLENGING!! My dream is that these posts will be filled with encouraging words, Sacred Scripture, TRUTH, love, and complete authenticity! Shared with all! If you want more... well, SPEAK UP!! I will do my best to add in what you want, and be sure to keep checking in frequently. Also, if you are LOVING these posts... SHARE with your friends, your coworkers, your parents, your siblings, your spouse... your "I only see them once a year" people. Let the light of Christ shine on... straight from the mind and fast typing fingers of SONshine!

Ladies, be blessed and beautiful, because you are!
Gentlemen, be holy and handsome because you are!

Joyously in Jesus and forever in His grip... your faithful blogger,


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