Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm takin' coffee out, and not it's not on a date!

See ya later Java! I am taking a hiatus from the glorious cup of joe for a while... so I am gonna see how this run goes. I have done it in the past for Lent but never just because... Lord grant me the strength I am gonna need. Not the strength to stop drinking the stuff, but the strength to keep from killing anyone along the way!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I lift my eyes unto the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. These words remind me that no matter what, i can praise God thru all of my problems. He is so incredible. I am sitting in the parking lot of a church i've attended many daily masses at, prayed many rosaries, and shed many tears, of joy, pain, sorrow and excitement. It's moments like right now that i remember God continually gives me strength to rise out of the ashes of my past life, and to build up a new life in his light. He's so incredible, i'll say it again and again. Praise God, always.

Somebody's Praying Me Through

long night...

Well, it has been a very long day. Work was incredibly exhausting...emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally. When I left the office, I immediately thought of how quickly I would be hitting my pillow and passing out, but it didn't quite happen that way!

As I laid in bed, I thought about the power of prayer in our lives. It's so easy to forget how absolutely imperative it is is that we pray each other through the hard times, the grand times, the low times and the who even knows what to call them times! I couldn't help but think of the many people I KNOW have been and continue to pray me through... and so I was reminded of the song I have posted a link to...

WATCH IT! PRAY IT! LIVE IT! And, NEVER forget just how absolutely AMAZING the power of prayer pray often for others. You might just be that one person who is praying someone else thru....