Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Letting Go

There is a time to claim defeat.

In a world where success is often times gauged by what you have held onto, my heart screams it is not always so. Success sometimes looks like letting go. We have many opportunities in life to tough something out, to keep going even when things seem hopeless, but does that always mean that we should?

God, creator of the universe, literally put skin on and came into the world among us. He died on a cross for us. In a sense, to the world of onlookers, he was defeated. But because it was part of his plan, he CLAIMED that defeat. He owned it. He knew that in letting them defeat him physically in that moment, he was actually claiming victory over sin for all of us for eternity. Yes, there is a time to claim defeat. 

Is there somewhere in your life it may look as if you have been defeated to the world? Have you considered that it might be your time to claim that defeat so that you may rise in God's plan for you? Don't simply measure your success by what you can hold onto or have held onto, because sometimes God's success with you is measured by your ability to let go. This doesn't always mean literally letting things go, but maybe letting go the thought that you have anything in your control.

Maybe there is a relationship that is holding you back, that makes you feel small, that makes you feel that you are worthless, that makes you feel less than a holy and righteous child of God. Maybe it is a job that drains the very life out of you and brings stress into your home and family life. Maybe it is a memory of some past hurt that has caused you to hold a grudge. Maybe it's thinking that you can change someone or something but can't seem to make headway. Whatever it is that binds you and holds you back, maybe it's time to let go and let God heal you and raise you up. 

There is a time to claim defeat.

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